Thursday, November 29, 2007

Update: Week 36!!!

Yesterday was my week 36 appointment! I can't believe how fast the pregnancy is coming to a close! The checkup went well, everything is still good. I had the first pelvic (cervical) check. I'm already 1.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced! But my doctor said that doesn't mean that she will arrive early, I could still be at this point next week. But it is sure a good motivator to get stuff done, knowing that I'm making a little progress in that area! So much to do at work, and at home!

I have to say, the cervical check hurt! But anyway, everything else was fine. The baby's about 5.5-6 pounds. She has not dropped yet, but that can happen at any time. While we were listening to the heartbeat, I swear she was practicing some Taebo or kickboxing! Or maybe she tried to stand up, but the movement was amazing and it looked like a rocket was about to come out of my stomach! We had never seen her move so much so fast!

One other thing, in the week since my last appointment, I had gained another 4 pounds! But in my defense, (besides just being pregnant), it was Thanksgiving last week! And my feet are still swelling, and I'm not wearing my rings. Plus the baby is gaining about a pound per week. But honestly I'm also eating candy like crazy. It's everywhere! Co-Workers are still bring candy from Halloween that they don't want their kids to have, and my sweet tooth is in overdrive. I just want cake, pie, pastries of any kind! Ok, enough of that, must not think of sweets!

So last night I washed a huge load of baby clothes, sheets and blankets. This weekend I will pack my bag and the baby's bag for the hospital. We are about 90% ready for her, as far as things go at home, having stuff setup, etc. I'd say 100% but I'm not sure if you can ever be that ready.

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